Wednesday, April 21, 2010

response to Justin

In the article My Top Ten by Justin Paton, he points of each of his 10 favourite paintings and then goes on to describe each paint a lot of detail. When I say a lot of detail, I mean he goes into stuff about brush technique, lighting, shadow and stuff like that. The amount of detail that he has put into writing about his 10 favourite paintings really shows how much he is inspired and loves these paintings. It’s like through his descriptions of the paintings; he’s trying to form some kind of bond or trust between the himself, the paintings and the reader.His writing style is kind of like reading a story book, he creates this world in which the reader can visualise without looking at the paintings and kind of get lost in them at the same. Cause when read novels I like it best when you’re able to fully sink into the world in which the writer has created and completely forget that you’re not really a part of the action. So although this guy is talking about his 10 favourite paintings, I liked reading it and his style of writing because it was easy to read. It wasn’t using heaps of overly descriptive words or trying to confuse you by making you think about heaps of different paintings at once. But at the same time he was using enough detail; that when I close my eyes I feel like I can see the paintings right in front of me. He’s created a piece of writing that even if you didn’t like reading articles about art; you can read without feeling like you’re missing out on something. So I really enjoyed this article, I know others in the class who didn’t enjoy it as much as I did, but I think they were missing out if they didn’t like it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Samson, I've combined your mark for this one with your mark for your top 4, because they are part of the same class.

