Friday, August 27, 2010

Deborah Crowe

14th of September, if I could remember on that day we had Deborah Crowe come to give us a lecture about her practice. I remembered she showed us a slide show of her pieces of artworks and practices she made well coming up as a young Scottish artist. In her works I noticed that she uses a lot of different types of materials and also notice one thing about her is that she constantly pushes her ideas of concepts in her practice. Well to kick start off this blog about Deborah Crowe’s lecture, I had to back and look at my notices I wrote down about her. Deborah Crowe was originally from Dundee, in Scotland, she immigrated to New Zealand twenty years ago. Going through her photos of her work on emit, I noticed a pattern in her practice in where she uses a lot of bridges, space, containment, architecture, weaving, recycling pieces of her old works. As I checked on Emit to try and remember what Deborah’s work looked like, I remembered this work she had called ‘Beneath the surface’ where it was all to do with “containment of the body” in one of my notices that she quoted in the lecture, she said ‘the idea of how women contain their bodies, and in the way torture themselves. She also looked into torture as a part of her work, putting people in the room with objects, creating space i their mind imaginations.

Another key thing that Deborah uses to show her ideas is that, she does a lot of planning and drafting her work. One of Deborah’s works was held at Te Tuhi. The ideas in her practice how she plans and draft her work become actual drawings. Pretty cool.

Overall I thought her lecture was great but sadly just wish I could of wrote about it, due to my late blog entries I am forced to type them all up at once. Sorry tessa XP

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