Sunday, August 15, 2010

Frances Hansen: My process

This Tuesday we had my old life drawing teacher France Hansen come into show and tell us about her work and she talks about how she balances being a art lecture and being a mother and how her ideas of her practice all came about. To start off the lecture she showed a slide show presentation of some of her past work and her most recent project. Out of all the pictures on the slide show I only remembered one, which shows that I haven't been paying close attention to France's lecture, damn.. I should of typed it up straight after class, oh well.. I'll explain to you her work from what I remember from tuesday's contextual studies class. From what I remembered about her work on tuesday's class is that her work is very creative and very original, and it also reflects on who she is as a person, because I think Frances is a very smart, creative and also aery intelligent lecture.

One thing she really didn't really mention in the lecture is nature, I like how she applys nature in art practice and it reflects on her work and her transition of being an artist and a mum, and it's also how she arranges the objects in many different ways by 'developing' it before settling on the final design. One the key fatcors in her work is 'gathering'.. gathering materials, ideas, information, collecting organic goods and recycling them by reusing them in her sculpture pieces and paintings etc. One thing that stood out for me in the lecture is that, she said that she likes to go through her neighbours (trash) organics stuff, while walk about with one her little sons, looking for some materials that will help to develop more idea for her work, which I think that is very smart and interesting.

That's another word that was not mention in her list is 'recycling', recycling play a valuable rule in France's work, I mean I would never have thought of that idea, I really like how she's uses those found objects and how she experiments alot with them such as one of her paintings can't remember which one, but I remember she painted a stencil shape of that Ajax spray cleaner in one of her paintings.What I can take from learning about her and how she works? is that I need to be more out their just like Frances, I need to go 'plan' my idea then 'gather' my materials then just develop and experiment with them such as Fances herself.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Samson, I wonder are you actually taking notes in class? Because you don't seem to have remembered much of anything that Frances said, whereas those students who took notes just look back at the notes and then remember all kinds of stuff. If you just sit there and don't write anything down you will have a hard job remembering what it was about. And then your response becomes very vague, like this one!

