Monday, October 4, 2010

Richard Orjis

I got to class late to find out that we had Richard Orjis as our lecture for today, when I got into class, it was already 10 minutes into the lesson, where he was explaining to the class his first pieces of work and so as I soon as I found a spot to sit at next to Katie Lamacraft, he then started taking us through his photography images he took and what was behind his images. I personally think that he took some awesome photographs and I thought that he had some amazing ideas that had a lot to do with beauty and nature, and he even mentioned it numerous times throughout the lecture. So Richard Orji’s blog question for that week was that we all had to choose 3 words from Richard Orjis lecture. The 3 words I choose to describe and relate back to Richard Orji’s practice is beauty, nature and links. So before I start talking about his work, I’d like to take the chance to talk more first about Richard Orji’s background. Orjis was born in Whanganui, New Zealand and studied at the Auckland Uniersity of Technology and Carnegie Mellon Uniresity, Pittsburgh earing a BVA in 2001, and graduating with an MFA from The Elam School of Fine Art, (University of Auckland) in 2006. Richard Orji’s work looked more into beauty/nature, in the lecture he also showed us a video of him making up his own cult.his works were all based around on religion, Richard quoted ‘I really like that idea I am connected with everything around me’, and one thing Orjis mentioned in the lecture is that he said he doesn’t believe in modernism, he also stated that ‘we are always connect to something else’… God, bible, tree huggers, burning tree. By looking at his work I’ve noticed that all of his work all link up in way that it’s a like repetition, his works repeat constantly that it all looking the same to me. Overall his lecture was pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. You seemed to be going somewhere with this but then stopped. While you've reached the technical word limit you haven't done justice to any of your ideas. You have also used up too much of your word limit talking about how you were late to class, and where Richard studied, rather than just choosing a specific work of his to focus on, describe in detail, and then talk about the other artists and ideas that Richard is bouncing off.

