Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Emory Douglas

This peice by Emory Douglas is of Malcom x and represents the struggles of african americans during the black civil rights movement.Malcom x was one of many black activists that fought for equal rights as the "whites"in america.the spears in the background of this peice would represent the african culture malcom x held as a desendent of slaves brought to america from africa.Emory Douglas has captured Malcom x with a n expression that reflects his power in the black community aswel as his passion for his oppressed affrican brothers and sisters and the struggles they faced in America.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Fabian! This is an excellent description of content and context. I guess the spears are not only a reference to African ancestry but also denote the idea of warfare and armed struggle. As Malcolm X said, African Americans would achieve equality and independence "By Any Means Necessary" which meant they would use weapons if need be.

