Wednesday, May 18, 2011

this is a painting from shane cotton it is very detailed with maori pattern like the carvings off a marae. the painting is weighted through the center with taniwha tipe figure clusted together as if they are growing in front of me and gathering more figure, getting bigger and bigger. the whole image reminds me of the milky way and when i read the name it seemed to confirm it for me when i first read it i translated it as person or controler of the stars but then there is star eater that could be why it looks like it is growing?


  1. BAD COP
    Hey Reneta
    Looking at this Art that Shane Cotton painted with a lot of depth and detail designs on it gives me the goose bumps because I can see a lot things that creep into my eyes and mind. Looking at it closely I can see homogeneous, that the artist use repetition of Maori patterns and designs to form a monster, when u look far away from this painting and that the effects of positive and negative gives the visual stand out but creepy. The color black means destruction and the color red means blood, so looking at this art, my point of view of this painting when I see it, is a BIG SCRAY MONSTER THAT REMINDS ME OF THE BOOGY MAN.

  2. Thanks Guys,

    Renata, I think this was a thoughtful response and I like the way you confirmed your instincts by interpreting the title.

    Matalio, for the Bad Cop, you are supposed to figure out reasons why it is a bad painting, not that is is a good painting of something bad. TX
