Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hype Williams - contents (samson rambo)

All of the lights

from what I see in these images, I can see a conflict between a man and a woman. Perhaps Hype Williams is trying to emphasize the idea of violence between the two sex's (male & female). He also tries to emphasize the male dominance over females (in terms of physical strength).


  1. The form behind Williams content is portrayed through many things, colors, shadows, light, shape, lines and dimension. The background change color every second and the 2 figures change shape shape but the lines of dimension don't change. The light in the background reveals the outline shape of the figures clearly but in a silhouette shape.

  2. Thanks guys. Samson, I think you could have talked about the size difference in terms of the domination factor - they don't appear to be equals - he almost looks like a father telling off a daughter. Do you think this is realistic? Is he tall, or did they stick him on a box?

    Faafeu, good observations about formal composition. Can either of you guys think of a contemporary artist who uses silhouettes a lot to talk about narrative? (clue: African American female). Not to mention the i-POD ads. It would be good to get both of you thinking a little more about connections, whether you are writing about form or content.

