Tuesday, May 10, 2011


This work by Rauchenberg (tomorrow is 3 years since he died =( ...) is a 'combine'... a mixture of painting and sculpture and colour photoscreen tranfers.
I see a collage buildings and the iconic statue of liberty in NY, and also Michelangelo's "Last Judgement" together with abstract shapes, photos from the city, and colourful patches it - gestural brushes of warm reds and yellows and splurges of white paint on the left hand side.
Some of the images are turned sideays and tilted.

Taking into mind its a veyr large canvas (243.8 x 177.8 cm), it seems very big and there is not much positive space for our eyes to rest...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rebecca, your job was to give some "content" ideas for the piece rather than describing the formal qualities. Can you say what you think the piece is about? Then maybe someone else can break it down in terms of colours, brushstrokes etc...

