Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Group 2 response

Banksy's Beach Boys : in this piece by banksy i see two boys sitting down looking through a hole in the wall which shows the image of the beach. With this compisition i think banksy was trying to say that these boys want to escape to paradice away from the city.


  1. This picture has two different images but are linked so that they can sit side by side and married into one bigger image. This also has barbed wires in front which has that barrier, restricted feeling to it. It can say allot of things about what it means, one of the context behind this picture conveys the idea of paradise in a more isolated, manufactured, urban place where children cant access or dreams are impossible.

  2. roy your right but its not paradice its tonga hahahaha na joks.to me their face is happy because they are braking out and its like they are sick of staying home they wana brake out from home and go somewhere they havent seen befour......and thats tonga aye haha

  3. Hey Guys,

    I am surprised that no one mentioned the context of this image. Yes, we are talking about form and content here, but the realities of this image are so extreme that they are worth commenting on. I believe this image was one of the ones put up on the wall between Palestine and Israel. It's one of the biggest political hotspots in the world right now. So the content is extremely political.

    Tyce, I think your comment was spot on, but Sione, you are just joking around and not really making an effort here. What one of you might have also mentioned is the fact that that the children are in black and white, blending into the grey concrete wall, while the image of the beach is in bright colour. Where else do you get contrasts of black and white and colour? I'm thinking of the Wizard of Oz, but there are plenty more examples.

