Wednesday, May 11, 2011

group 2 - *A: The Temptation of ST Anthony - Paul Cezanne
The content that i see is :a bush/forrest setting, waiting / a sence of anx. No clothing, just rugs draped around the show, 4 ladies trying to tepmt St Anthony who is looking the same kind of interested as if he is watching a child play! The atmosphere is heavy and sombre and nobody is very happy. The brightly highlighted backsides and bellies draw the eye in and the line of the legs bring the eye up. the shapes of the bodies draw the eye to the back of the pic to ST A himself. (jeeze i hope this is what was required!!-lol)


  1. i agree with the way you describe this painting how the highlighted backside catches the eye and the lines of the legs guides the eyes up the painting. i found the whole image sexual but not dirty more depressing because of the color pallet being quite cold and dark and the facial plus body posture being sad and glum. it reminds me of van gogh bold brush stroke, color pallet and limited detail

  2. Thanks guys. Sarah, this image was a little bit small to see well, but I looked at the same image on line to get what you were talking about.

    I think you have both talked a little bit about the form and content instead of one doing one, the other doing the other, but never mind, you have backed up what eachother has said.

    I guess it's interesting to wonder why the colour pallette would be so glum - is it because "sin" is depressing? Is Cezanne wanting us to feel the "darkness" of the soul?

    I think the contrasts of dark and light - chiaroscuro - are really important here. It almost has the look of a stained glass window to me - rich colours with dark outlines. Which, when you think of the subject matter, is quite appropriate.
